Monday, September 10, 2012

So that's what this project is...

I have had many people ask me what the overall point of this project is, and wanting to know what I hope to accomplish 'at the end of all this.' This project began when my Government teacher said, "Change the world." After that I had a million ideas. I could go to one of the nearby reservations and save a dying language, create a new organization to save animals from being euthanized, help with low self esteem, or do something that hasn't been done before. There are a lot of people out there who will save the animals, or the languages, but how many people may have already thought about how to help those who cannot communicate? They have help, right? Well, yeah, to an extent. They have people to help them live, caretakers, speech, behavior, occupational, and physical therapists, entire teams of people to help them live. I've seen these people working with their clients, I personally have worked with people with disabilities, and one thing that they don't all do to a full extent, is completely integrate them into society. They help, yes, but what good is that if the community itself isn't welcoming? 

So that's what this project is. We will build a new society on the idea that everyone can be a participant, no matter who they are, what they look like, or if they have a disability. We will make the businesses more accessible to people who may have disabilities or different abilities when it comes to communication, choice making; complete synthesis within society.  

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